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How Do You Transition from one Pet Food to Another?

Posted on 06.07.2023

Transitioning your dog's food may become necessary for various reasons, such as introducing a new diet, addressing allergies or sensitivities, or simply providing a change of taste. However, abruptly switching your dog's food can lead to digestive issues, discomfort, and other negative reactions. Follow along as we provide effective methods to transition your dog's food, discuss how long you should try a new dog food before determining whether it's here to stay, and provide some recommendations for food consultations.

How to Change Your Dog's Food: A Guide to an Easy Transition

It's always best practice to switch your pet's food gradually, instead of all at once. Start by mixing a small portion of the new food with the old food. Begin with a ratio of 25% new food and 75% old food. Over the course of 7-10 days, gradually increase the proportion of new food while decreasing the old food. If at any point there seems to be digestive upset, return to the previous transitioning stage and remain for a few days before trying again. If your pup seems to be struggling with a transition, consider introducing probiotics - these supplements can support your dog's digestive system during the food transition to make the switch easier.

Some pets thrive on age-specific food. Just like humans, dogs have different nutritional needs at various stages of life. Age-specific dog food is specially formulated to meet these specific requirements, ensuring that your furry friend receives the optimal nutrition for their age and life stage. Puppy food is designed for the rapid growth and development stage, containing higher amounts of protein, calcium, and other nutrients. Adult dog food is formulated to maintain weight and energy. Senior dog food typically contains a lower calorie count, as senior dogs tend to have slower metabolisms.

How Long Should You Try a New Dog Food?

Every dog is unique, and their adjustment to a new food may vary. As a general guideline, give your dog at least 6-8 weeks on the new food before assessing its suitability. This duration allows time for your dog's digestive system to adapt and for any potential sensitivities or allergies to surface. During this period make sure to monitor your pup Keep an eye on your dog's overall well-being, including coat condition, energy levels, stool consistency, and any changes in behavior. In the case of prolonged digestive issues or allergies, consider slowing down on the transitioning process or looking for another food to try. If you have concerns about your dog's response to the new food or if they exhibit persistent symptoms, consult your veterinarian or a pet food specialist for guidance. They can help determine if the food is appropriate or if any adjustments are needed.

Transitioning your dog's food requires patience, attention, and care. Avoid changing their food too quickly, as it can lead to digestive upset and discomfort for your furry friend. By following a gradual transition method, closely monitoring your dog's response, and allowing an adequate trial period, you can help ensure a smooth transition to a new diet. 

Contact Us for a Food Consult

All Treats Unleashed team members are trained in pet nutrition. When it's time to transition your pet to a new diet, use Treats Unleashed's free food consult perk to determine the right food for your pup. The best part? We guarantee all of the food we carry! If a recommendation doesn't work out, bring the food bag (in its original bag) and you'll get your money back. Our goal at Treats Unleashed is to make sure every pup is happy and eating a healthy diet, and we hope to help along the way.

Tagged: Dog Diet Nutrition Featured